Tax Strategies
The Tax Shop Inc. approaches tax planning from a holistic viewpoint, which encompasses all you financial entities, personal and business. Through accurate documentation, previously filed tax returns and discussions regarding your financial investment and business goals, a preliminary strategic tax plan will be presented. Two additional meetings will be provided to discuss and refine the plan. The final step in this process is the issuance of a detailed report outlining our recommendations and implementation procedures required to achieve your desired financial and wealth management goals.
Monthly / Quarterly Tax Monitoring
Tracking your financial performance against the agreed upon plan set in place during our strategic planning sessions will allow us to insure your road to financial success is being followed. This process permits us to analyze whether or not your goals will be reached and allows us to adjust the application of various strategies used to meet those goals.
Tax Returns Preparation
As an important member of your financial team, tax return preparation, both personal and corporate, is a by-product of our planning and monitoring process. It is your report card commenting on how you have done over the past year and a launching pad for the new year’s strategic planning adjustments. The Tax Shop Inc. has many years of experience preparing tax returns. We however pride ourselves on being your financial coach 12 months of the year.